
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Northen Irish Delights

During October bank holiday weekend my mum came to see me. Weather wasn't so bad considering the time of year, so we decided to go for little trip up to the North. A bit of shopping, walking down the beaches (well, windy enough) and we ended up in lovely B&B in 200 years old building and dining pub right next to it. Mum ordered mussels (she never tried them before), but with strong doubts in her voice asked me: "Can we have something NORMAL as well - in case I don't like mussels?" Fish and chips with mushy peas was consider to be normal. Food was very, very nice, not quite like these pictures - flash doesn't do any good to food photos.

Next morning after tasty freshly cooked breakfast and more walking on beaches we went to Mount Steward Garden. The house was closed on Monday, but gardens (and cafe) were simply delightful. All the mature trees were showing off with colors - many shades of yellow, orange and bright red accompanied usual 40 shades of green. This is definitely the type of garden to visit in autumn. Unbelievable number of hydrangeas added to visual impact.

I believe this flower bed is usually planted with red flowering plants to form Red Right Hand - symbol of Ulster. And Harp cut out of hedge was good looking, too.

Some food goodies in the end - jams made by owner of B&B.


  1. Ahoj Zuzana. Nahodou som sa dostala na tvoj blog. Tiez zijem v Irsku, ale ja nie som velka kucharka. Obdivujem ludi, ktori to s jedlom vedia :o) Nedavno som videla film, ktory mi pripomina tvoj blog...pre inspiraciu...vola sa Julie&Julia :o) Vela zdaru.

  2. Dakujem :-) O tom filme som pocula, asi sa vyberiem pozriet si ho. Nech sa aj tebe dari.
